Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chapter 11: Motivation


Questions to Consider

How might you enhance motivation and affect in your students using the theories of motivation?
Which theories of motivation are most helpful and instructive for you?
I think in order to increase and enhance motivation and affect within my own classroom I would first of all get to know my students. I think it would be easy to think come up with different ways to motivate, yet everyone is different so first I would try and get to know my students and understands their backgrounds, strengths, and weaknesses. I would honestly consult a book such as the Educational Psychology text which recommends great ways to motivate depending on that type of student's behavior and needs. I would certainly try and communicate optimism to my students and what they have the potential to achieve. I would try and create a teaching strategy that promoted a sense of self-determinism, which I hope would affect their view of choices in the classroom and their emotions/feelings towards classroom activities, leading to higher achievement. I would help implement this social-cognitive model by helping students set goals and how they can improve their learning. It would be my job to create activities that appeal to them and they are able to relate to in some way or form. If they do not somewhat enjoy the task, they will see it as little value and therefore not be very motivated to engage in it. I would also create evaluations in a way that do not scare my students such as giving them detailed feedback with the things they are excelling in.

It was difficult deciding which theory would be most instructive to me as a future teacher. The Social Cognitive theory and what it proposed made a lot of sense to me. Since behaviors are looked upon in two ways, either positively or negatively, students are able to take from this and understand that behavior and choices come with consequences. This becomes an internal motivator to do well. As a teacher you can help monitor behaviors and be a guide in teaching student's how to motivate themselves. One thing I would try an emphasize would be good role models within the classroom. I see this as a way to help monitor behavior, in turn, helping focus on the learning process. I am still unsure of what teaching strategies are effective not having taught anymore and having only very minimal experience within a classroom. I am interested to see what models have proven to work effectively within classroom and which motivating activities children have found engaging.

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts and ideas about approaching the classroom in a positive uplifting way is great! I agree in your assessment of the social-cognitive theory as a top runner. It is going to be difficult to apply one theory to the entire classroom for motivation but you seem to understand how the motivational theories can best assist you in accomplishing that goal.
    I love that you said you would give detailed positive feedback.Especially in an older setting, I feel like that detail gets pushed to the side since the kids should "be able to handle it."
    Great post!
