Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ticket Out the Door

Pros & Cons to Standardized Testing

More often than not, we have heard negative things about standardized testing and have ourselves produced this negative feeling towards them. Because they are produced by these officials and experts, they are not good indicators of whether students are learning methods in the classroom. With the pressure to perform, pass, and reflect well on the school, much important information is glazed over A huge con to standardized testing is the pressure teachers and administrators are placed under to stay above the radar, thus staying out of trouble. I think this takes away from teaching, and teachers creativity gets diminished.As for pros, these standardized can often predict whether a student will do well and succeed in higher education. They are also able to compare students scores across schools and also across races and ethnic groups I believe it must be considered what would be the best alternative if tests such as the ACT and SAT were eliminated. Then colleges might run into more complicated issues such as, what means do we use to judge ones acceptance .Since schools can greatly range in difficulty, basing admittance solely on one's GPA would not be accurate. Whether to use standardized testing is a complicated question, but as for me, even considering the pros, I still do not care for this type of testing.

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